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- @4}by zYLAX / PTK
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- "Arcade-perfect" is a phrase that has
- been mis-used many times over the
- years of home computing.
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- Anyone who has been in the gaming
- scene since the Speccy's reign (well,
- I couldn't say Commodore 64 coz I'd be
- lying!) and read plenty of magazines,
- would have witnessed many a coin-op
- conversion. Looking back now you
- would probably think that comparing a
- monochrome version of Chase HQ with a
- full-colour arcade version and calling
- it "arcade-perfect" was lame to say
- the least.
- But that was the point of it. You'd
- go into the arcade to play the latest
- machines, with all the cutting edge of
- audio-visual technology has to offer.
- Then you'd come home for a quick spin
- on Speccy OutRun.
- Video gaming has come a long way since
- then. The coin-ops have gradually
- been upgraded, improved and have grown
- in size (I wouldn't like to lift a
- Galaxian 3 machine!), but the computer
- scene, particulary consoles, have
- grown at a much faster rate. This is
- probably due to all the publicity they
- have been subject to. For example,
- the disasterous (but initially
- popular) Gamesmaster, the ridiculous
- front-page headline and numerous
- (often completely unresearched)
- arguments on the alleged detrimental
- effects of the violent and addictive
- content of selected games, all wetted
- the public's thirst for technology.
- Sega and Nintendo didn't hesitate to
- take advantage of this free
- advertising with their 16-bit machines
- - the Megadrive and the Super NES.
- Both of these consoles built up a
- large user-base in a relatively short
- amount of time and, in turn, brought a
- smile to Sega and Nintendo's bank
- managers.
- The result of this is that consoles
- have now become an established and
- accepted part of the home, like the
- video recorder or TV for instance.
- Which must have come as a surprise to
- everyone that said consoles were a fad
- and would fade away.
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- Now we arrive at the present
- situation. The current "super"
- consoles are Sony's extremely popular
- PlayStation, Sega's Saturn and
- Nintendo's soon-to-be-released (well,
- you got slightly more chance of
- obtaining a new issue of Beyond
- Sanit-E but you get the idea)
- Ultra/Nintendo 64. All of these
- machines combine powerful processors
- with special custom chips to result in
- a formidable gaming system.
- Let's take a look back into the
- arcades. Well, they've come on a bit
- since the days of Pole Position and
- Wonderboy. The current crowd-bringers
- are the infamous Ridge Racer, Daytona
- USA and Sega Rally. These are the
- most graphically and visually advanced
- coin-ops that are available at this
- time.
- Okay, now we'll go home and power-up
- the ol' super console. "What's that I
- see in my games box?" "Ridge Racer."
- "Well, it won't be as good as the
- arcade version, will it!" So, we load
- it up and discover it's a virtually
- identical reproduction of it's coin-op
- counterpart.
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- There's now a dilemma:
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- Why should we go into the arcades
- and pump quid after quid into a
- machine to play a game you can
- play a home for the lump sum of
- forty quid?
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- Does this mean that the arcades we all
- know and love will disappear? It
- would make the Skegness High Street
- look a lot different at any rate!
- Well, my personal opinion on this is
- that it will make little or no impact
- on the arcade's sales figures.
- For instance, you have always been
- able to buy any sort of alcoholic
- drink in places other than pubs, and
- at a cheaper price. So, why don't we
- all stop going out to the pub?
- Simple, because of the atmosphere.
- The same theory can be applied to
- video games. Compare playing a game
- in a small, dark bedroom on a 14" TV
- on a half-knackered joypad, with going
- down the road to the local arcade.
- It's almost a tradition for an arcade
- to be crowded and noisy. There's no
- way to recreate the chaotic sound made
- by fifty coin-ops, x'cept by getting
- hold of fifty coi...you get the point!
- Not to mention that in a single glance
- around an arcade and you'll be in
- visual x'tasy. It's virtually
- hypnotic! And, of course, no one
- could mistake the warm sensation of
- fresh puke on your T-shirt as the
- realism of Daytona was slightly too
- realistic just after dinner!
- I mean, can you imagine going into an
- arcade when there isn't someone
- shouting or kicking the shit out of
- something or someone.
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- That's what I think anywayz, and I'm
- the one everybody listens to around
- here ...not that they take too much
- notice though!